HeartWork Organizing

Helping you find peace and purpose through organization and design

How to Create Passwords September 21, 2011

Filed under: Business Organizing,Financial Organizing,Organizing,Uncategorized — HeartWork Organizing @ 1:29 pm
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It seems that absolutely everything, on and off the web, requires a password these days.  When creating passwords, stay away from obvious personal information like your birthdate, kids birth dates, anniversary,address and pets names. Use multiple words and non-words, things that can’t be found in the dictionary.   Jim, my tech expert from HelpDotNow tells me that run on sentences like ILIKETREES are good because a hacking program will have a harder time as this is a “word” not found in the dictionary and hacking programs are not generally stopping to parse the phrase into words.  Changing some elements of the word with capitals, numbers, or special characters, like ILIketr33s, is even better, but still relatively easy for you to remember.  If you can remember passwords, or at least the few that you use most often, that will save you time.

Computer experts would not recommend this, but in real life, consider having three different types or categories of passwords.  The first type would be for high stakes sites like a bank account, PayPal, email account, or an encryption program.  They should be pretty complex but still something that you can memorize.  The second level would be for useful sites, perhaps those like computer support sites and other shopping sites you frequent.  The third type of password could be almost a throw-away, something that you might use for a site you’ll never intend to visit again. Decide how much effort you want to put into each type of password, and design them as secure as you can for each level.

Now that you have your passwords, how do you organize them and where do you store them?  Hint: a sticky note is not the best answer.  Stay tuned for the next rivetting post.


Organizing gear discounts. http://blog.s July 8, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — HeartWork Organizing @ 11:30 pm

Organizing gear discounts. http://blog.shopgetorganized.com/wordpress/its-perfect-weather-to-organize-the-garage/


Interview: Darla DeMorrow, Author of The July 7, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — HeartWork Organizing @ 11:25 am

Interview: Darla DeMorrow, Author of The Pregnant Entrepreneur http://j.mp/ifpItd shares a typical daily schedule. Crazy? You decide.


Avoiding Email Overload June 28, 2011

Filed under: Business Organizing,Organizing,Uncategorized — HeartWork Organizing @ 11:42 pm
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If you are a person who does not feel like you’ve got too many unopened, unread, or unattended emails, would you please give me a call? I’m a Certified Professional Organizer®, and I’ve still going too much going on in my in-box. I can’t solve all the problems, but here’s a good place to start:
1. Learn how to filter spam. If you get spam in your inbox, check with your provider or program and tighten up the spam criteria. Sure, you may lose one or two legitimate emails every now and again, but it’s totally worth it.
2. Learn how to use folders. Every major email program that I know of offers some way to filter your legitimate emails into something other than your inbox. Especially if you have newsletters, store notices, blog posts, or other recurring email types that are not critical to your day, get those into their own little spot without you having to click and drag.
3. Stop reading your email quickly. Yeah, I know, this one is tricky. Just like physical mail, try your best to open something, attend to it, and then move on to the next email or task. When you open an email and read it, your mind has this funny (by that I mean bad) habit of checking off the item, even if it isn’t complete. So slow down, and get quick tasks and replies done right away if you can.
4. Use those folders again. Once read, place items into folders if you have them set up.
5. Waiting on something? Set up a “Waiting For” folder where you can park items that you are waiting for someone to respond. This is also a good place to park notices of upcoming meetings. But make things easy on yourself. Modify the subject header with the due date (or presentation date) so you can sort this folder by date, meaning you can always be on top of upcoming events and commitments.

There is an interesting article in the June 2011 Inc. Magazine about David Karp, founder of Tumblr, which includes his method of handling email.  Two things are interesting.  First, he reverse filters, meaning everything goes into a folder that he doesn’t read, and the folder he looks at only has emails from his employees and girlfriend. Second, he’s right on that if you condition people to expect that you don’t read email, they’ll get to you another way. 

I’d write more and add images to this post, but I’m trying to clear out a bit of my inbox…


Mom’s 10-Week Summer Organizing Plan June 15, 2011

A huge part of my business happens in the fall when moms everywhere realize that their plan for getting organized during the summer didn’t happen as planned.  School is out this week where I live, so I’m offering up this 10-week strategy for getting organized.  The idea is that you tackle one manageable topic each week, and you find yourself a bit more organized at the end of the summer, but you still have time to enjoy yourself, guilt-free!

I’d love to hear how this works out for you.  Please post a comment and let me know if this plan helps you.  Happy summer!

Week 1: summer calendar, backpacks and sports gear

During this week, ensure that all summer activities, camps, vacations, babysitter time-off, and travel is on the same calendar to avoid overlaps and gaps.  Also, unpack backpacks and sports bags coming home from school to avoid lost items and fuzzy green sandwich remains surfacing in the fall.

Week 2: summer clothes

During this week, cull through all family members clothing to ensure everyone is covered, so to speak.

Week 3:  fitness routine

During this week, if you’ve let your own fitness routine slip, look at ways to incorporate fitness, healthy eating, or other healthy habits back into your day.  Take a class or enlist a buddy to help make it stick.

Week 4: kid artwork and paperwork

During this week, get each kid to review last year’s treasures and masterpieces with you, and decide on the best items to archive.  Then order Dynamic Frames to help organize next year’s works effortlessly and beautifully.

Week 5: an unfinished project of your choice

Choose something you’ve been meaning to get done and tackle it, whatever it is.  Refinishing a piece of furniture, organizing the garage, having a contractor make repairs, or even making that long overdue doctor’s appointment for yourself deserves your attention this week.

Week 6: household paperwork

Yep, you knew this was coming.  Devote just 30 minutes each day this week to clearing off counters, desks and tables.  If you need to set up or tweak your filing system, challenge yourself to do this in under an hour.  Ensure there is a mail handling station you can live with.

Week 7: mom’s closet

Earmark one day this week to cull through your closet for items to donate.  Anything that is to small, too big, stained, ripped, hopelessly out of date or ill-fitting needs to go.  Then, and here’s the fun part, make a list of items you want to add to your wardrobe, and go shopping for good quality staples.

Week 8: school clothes

This is the week you tackle the kid’s clothes.  Get in there with your kids, and get an idea of what is in good shape and what needs to be replaced.  The stores will be having back to school sales by now, and going armed with a list of what’s needed will save you money at the registers.

Week 9: school supplies

Ditto last week.  Take a day early in the week to clear out the junk drawer and desk drawers, lightly organizing, before hitting the office supply stores.

Week 10: new routine (dry run)

This week, take pride in the fact that you’ve accomplished so much this summer.  Then write down your new routine and run it by each member of the family.  Get agreement on activities, house rules, curfews, and morning routines.  Do a daily dry run the week before school starts, and you’ll have less whining and more smiles come fall.


How to Sell A House Naked. 9 must-do’s June 5, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — HeartWork Organizing @ 11:10 pm

How to Sell A House Naked. 9 must-do’s when showing a vacant house. http://wp.me/pCYjY-8N


Laundry Room Limits March 15, 2011

Filed under: One Day Interior Redesigns,Organizing,Uncategorized — HeartWork Organizing @ 3:20 pm



There’s a big problem with today’s high effeciency washers and dryers.  And I mean a big problem.  The units are too big for many spaces that they belong in.  I’ve seen a rash of homes recently where the washers and dryers are literally busting out of the laundry closets.  If you are forced to lose your doors, don’t stop there.  Treat the area with a coat of paint coordinating with the surrounding space, paint the trim, accessorize with some cute (or zen) art, and hide the clutter in some totally functional baskets.  Think these small changes won’t make a difference?  You be the judge.


